



Congratulations to Simon Brooks our London based project manager who recently completed the Birmingham Half Marathon in a brilliant time of 1 hour 54 minutes. Simon felt that he could have improved on his time if he was not slowed down at the start of the race by the sheer weight of numbers that took part in this great annual event.

Simon was running for the Cancer Research charity, an organisation that really resonates with the staff of Breese and Earle. Unfortunately, we lost a tremendously well liked and respected member of staff Andy Kitson to lung cancer. Andy was only 35 and had just settled down with his partner in their first house when he lost his brave fight against the disease in 2007. Andy was one of the rare breed of people who managed to get on with everyone and was superbly entertaining to be around. He is and will be sadly missed.

Simon joined Breese and Earle in 1990 as an apprentice electrician and worked his way through the grading system and is now a Technician. He manages our London projects and was in charge of our St. Saviours contract that recently sold for over £40,000,000.00.