Outdoor Dining in Style
Summer has finally arrived and Breese & Earle have just completed a large garden terrace installation at the Chequers Public House in Cutnall Green, Droitwich.
Our remit was to design and install a new lighting, heating and power installation to accommodate the additional covered seating and dining areas formed with the new terraced area and to provide additional power supplies to adjacent areas earmarked for future development.

To cope with the additional power requirements a dedicated mains distribution system was installed to supply the new raised terraced seating area and the individual “beach hut” themed covered dining locations.
Each of the “Beach Hut” and “Meercat” themed locations was provided with individual lighting schemes separately controlled from a remote location from within the main restaurant area.

Heating to the open terrace and covered dining areas was provided using individual 2KW quartz heaters operated via local touch sensitive time switches.
The complicated installation was carried out to an excellent standard by Adam Neason from Breese & Earle who worked sympathetically with the scheme designer and landscape contractors to enable the completed scheme to meet the client’s high expectations.