Works are nearing completion on Farrier House in Worcester, a student accommodation project where Breese and Earle Electrical Services Ltd are undertaking the electrical installation works.
The existing electricity supply to the site was insufficient to meet the needs of the student accommodation and required a major upgrade. Following initial consultations with Western Power Distribution, we established that a low voltage connection would not be possible and an upgrade to the 11.0KV network would be required.
Working closely with Western Power Distribution, a new 500KVA transformer and switch gear was installed on the Farrier House site to serve the power requirements of new students moving into their accommodation in early September 2017. The project required detailed planning and management as a local 11.0KV connection was not available on Farrier Street. The closest point to make the 11.0KV connection was on Shaw Street, nearly 200 Metres away from the site. Western Power Distribution liaised with the local authority to organise the road closures and Network Rail were on site to monitor the works when they excavated under the railway bridge.
Despite the complex nature of installing the new supply, the project was delivered on time and the service made live to the site on 11 July 2017. Many thanks to the Western Power Distribution team for their tremendous effort on this project.